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The August 1994 issue of Six News
Thanks to all of our authors since 1982!


how to work 6m DX  issue
beginners guide to meteor scatter operating  leaflet distributed 1990?
some notes on meteor scatter CW tests  30, June 1991
living with interference!  30 & 31, June & Oct.1991
R U new to six?  31, October 1991
working pileups and CQing on .110  33, January 1992
tips for QSLing  37, April 1993
the short path to Europe from Australia  38, July 1993
managing 6m pile ups!  38, November 1993
the UKSMG DXpedition to Jordan  43, October 1994
beginners guide to 6m  49, May 1996
1997 bandplan survey results  53, May 1997
the UK six metre repeater network  53, May 1997
working DX on a dead 50MHz band using MS  56, February 1998
GD to K6 on 6m by EME  56, February 1998
my first six metre QSO  56, February 1998
with a little help from my friends  57, May 1998
50MHz - as it was, is and will be?  57, May 1998
1998 DXpedition to Lebanon  58, August 1998
the UK six metre repeater network [1998]  58, August 1998
the band plan  59, November 1998
TL5A, Central African Republic  59, November 1998
how can we discourage the use of the
intercontinental window for continental QSOs?
 67, November 2000
beginner's guide to meteor scatter operating  67, November 2000

Bits & Pieces
history of 6m
6m antennas
6m equipment
propagation theory
6m DXpeditions
interesting stuff
6m ops remembered